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Week 9

Information Analysis

In this week, we learnt about the criteria to evaluate sources which are purpose and scope. Besides that we also learn about authority so that we could know whether the information that we take from the internet are reliable, useful and accurate. we also need to check the accuracy, currency and uniqueness of the information. By doing this, we can make sure whether the resource is accurate or not, is it a current information, and whether it come from original source or not.

We can also analysis an information by looking at their quality of writing, design and layout, organization, navigability, style and functionality, color, multimedia, access/workability, ease of use, searchability, browsability, software reliability, connectivity, charging policy, copyright, censorship, language, documentation, and many more.  

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Week 8

There are three levels to integrate a text from a source. The first level is quoting, the second level is paraphrasing and the last level is summarizing.


When we are summarizing, we put the main idea in our own word which include only the main point. We do not need to use quotation mark during summarizing, instead, use our own word, state only the most important idea or fact and used as few word as possible. We also have to attribute it to the original source.


Paraphrasing also involves putting a passage from source material in your own words. It can be shorter than the original passage but can also be the same length as the original passage. However, you have to site the source and the date, and do not use quotation mark during paraphrasing. 


On the other hand, you can also quote the original passage where you can use the author’s word exactly. You have to use quotation mark for less than 40 words. There are some format that you may need to follow in order for you to quote the information. For example, give the year of publication in parentheses after the writer’s name and the page number at the end of the quotation, or the writer's name, year of publication, page number in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Don’t forget to put a period after the parentheses.

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Week 7

When we are using someone else information's we have to cite the information. Failure to do so will cause plagiarism or also can be considered as stealing someone else information. There are a few styles that have been introduced to cite information; one of the styles is APA style. APA, stands for American Psychological Association, was published in 1928 to provide guidelines for publication in Social Science Journals. There are a few rules that we have to follow in order to cite the information which are rules for author, rules for title and rules for documentation. In order to cite the information we have to follow the format of each of the categories. Such as, books, edited books, journal article, article from internet, chapter from books, translation books, magazine article, and many more.

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Week 6

Truncation & Wildcards

Truncation is using a wildcard at the end of a root word so that you can search multiple variation of that root word. With truncation, you can expand your search to locate all the words that have the same root. For instance, when you type ‘teen*’, the result that you may get are teen, teens, teenage, teenager, etc. 

There are three symbols for wildcards, such as, an asterisk (*), question mark (?) or pound sign (#) which usually represent a single character. For example, when you type the word ‘wom?n’, the result that you may get are woman, women, and womyn.

Phrase Searching

Sometime we are searching for two or more words in our search. In order to get the right information that we need, we have to use either bracket () or inverted commas “”. For example (information literacy) or “information literacy”.

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Week 5

Keyword & Subject Heading

In order to search the information effectively, it is better to use keyword or subject heading. Some examples of subject headings are library subject headings, science subject headings, and thesaurus of psychological index term. 

Boolean Searching

With Boolean searching, we are able to groups work together so that we could receive a number of different types of results. It is the most common and basic search strategy that allows you to expand a search by using the word OR or limit the search by using the word AND. 

When you used the word AND between words, you will limit the search. For example when you type ‘Air and Water’, the results that you will get are all the documents containing the word air and water.

On the other hand, when you used the word OR between words, you will expand the search. For example when you type ‘Air or Water’, the results that you will get are all the documents that contain either the word air or the word water.

Lastly, when you used the word NOT between words, you can exclude the word that you don’t want in your search. For example, when you type ‘Air not Water’, the result that you will get are all the document that contain the word air but not the word water.

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Week 4

In this week, we learn about online databases. There are two type of database, the first one is simple database and the second one is advance database. Besides that there are three ways that can be use to search for information which are subject, keyword, and full text.

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Week 3

Library Catalogs

It is a file cabinet that contains individual cards with bibliography information about specific items in the library. However, the physical card catalog has been replaced with a computerized catalog called OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).

OPAC provide details about the things that can be found in library. For instance, books, audiovisual, and many more. There are a few type of searching which are browse searching, keyword searching, reserve searching, and expert searching.

Internet is an electronic network that connects personal computers and organizational computers/others around the world. In order to use the internet you have to have a computer, connection and Internet Service Provider. Also can be called as Information Superhighway.

There are a few search tool in internet, which are, search engines, meta-search engine, information gateways, subject directories, and specialized database.

1) Search Engines

2) Meta-search engine

3) Information gateways

4) Subject directories

5) Specialized database

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